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ПоискКартинкиКартыPlayYouTubeНовостиПочтаДискЕщёКалендарьПереводчикКнигиПокупкиBloggerФинансыФотоВидеоДокументыВсе продукты »Account OptionsВойтиКнигиМоя библиотекаСправкаРасширенныйпоиск книгПолучить печатную версиюНет электронной версииFacet PublishingLabirintOzon.ruBooks.ruНайти в библиотекеВсепродавцы »Книги в Google PlayВ нашем крупнейшем в миремагазине представлены электронные книги, которые можно читать вбраузере, на планшетном ПК, телефоне или специальномустройстве.Перейти в Google Play »ExploringDigital Libraries: Foundations, Practice, ProspectsKaren CalhounFacet Publishing, 1янв. 2014 г. - Всего страниц:224 0ОтзывыA landmark textbook on digital libraries for LIS students,educators and practising information professionals throughout theworld.Exploring Digital Libraries is a highly readable,thought-provoking authorative and in-depth treatment of thedigital library arena that provides an up-to-date overview of theprogress, nature and future impact of digital libraries, from theircollections and technology-centred foundations over two decades agoto their emergent, community-centred engagement with thesocial web.

This essential textbook:

• Brings students and working librarians up to date on theprogress, nature and impact of digital libraries, bridging the gapsince the publication of the best-known digital library texts
• Frames digital library research and practice in the context ofthe social web and makes the case for moving beyond collections toa new emphasis on libraries’ value to their communities
• Introduces several new frameworks and novel syntheses thatelucidate digital library themes, suggest strategic directions, andbreak new ground in the digital library literature.
• Calls a good deal of attention to digital library research, butis written from the perspective of strategy and in-depthexperience
• Provides a global perspective and integrates material from manysources in one place - the chapters on open repositories and hybridlibraries draw together past, present and prospective work in a waythat is unique in the literature.

Readership: Exploring Digital Libraries suits theneeds of a range of readers, from working librarians and libraryleaders to LIS students and educators, or anyone who wants a highlyreadable and thought-provoking overview of the field and itsimportance to the future of libraries. Просмотреть книгу»Отзывы - НаписатьотзывНе удалось найти ни одного отзыва.Избранные страницы
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СсылкиСодержаниеCHAPTER 1 Emergence and definitions of digitallibraries1CHAPTER 2 Outcomes of digital libraries firstdecade27CHAPTER 3 Key themes and challenges in digitallibraries59repositories85CHAPTER 5 Hybrid libraries111CHAPTER 6 Social roles of digitallibraries139CHAPTER 7 Digital libraries and theircommunities159CHAPTER 8 The prospects of open accessrepositories179scholarship209collections and platforms237References257Index311Авторские права
Другие издания - Просмотреть всеExploring Digital Libraries: Foundations, Practice,Prospects
Недоступно для просмотра -2014
Exploring Digital Libraries: Foundations PracticeProspects
Недоступно для просмотра -2017
Часто встречающиеся слова и выраженияacademic librariesarXiv blogs catalog challenges citation citizen science collaboration crowdsourcing cultural heritageD-Lib Magazine databases datasets decade of digitaldeposit mandates digital collectionsdigital content digital library researchdigital objects digital preservationdiscovery servicesDSpace Dublin Core e-books e-research e-resources early enabling technologiesEPrints European example faculty framework funding global Google Books Google Scholar HathiTrust hybrid library hybrid librarycollections identifiers impact indexing information scienceinfrastructure initiatives innovation institutionalrepositories interaction interface Internet Archive interoperability JISC journals large-scale librarians Library 2.0 library’s licensing linked data mass digitizationmetadata National Library OAI-PMH online communitiesopen access repositoriesOpenURL organizations participation programs provides Public Library publishers PubMed Central re-use reported research and practiceresearch librariesscholarly communicationscholarly contentself-archiving semantic semantic web social networks social roles social web sources subject repositoriessubject-basedrepositories sustainability University users websites WikipediaОб авторе (2014)Karen Calhoun B.A., M.S., M.B.A. is an internationallyrespected librarian and change leader who is currently at theUniversity of Pittsburgh helping to develop community-centredservices. She is an active researcher, writer, speaker andconsultant on digital libraries and related disciplines and hasjust completed a celebrated tenure at OCLC.Библиографические данныеНазваниеExploring DigitalLibraries: Foundations, Practice, Prospects
Facet PublicationsАвторKaren CalhounИздание:иллюстрированноеИздательFacet Publishing,2014ISBN1856048209,9781856048200КоличествостраницВсего страниц:224 ЭкспортцитатыBiBTeX EndNote RefManО GoogleКнигах - Политикаконфиденциальности - Условия использования- Информациядля издателей - Сообщить о проблеме - Справка - Главная страницаGoogle

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